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Choice any 3 flavors of Keto Cookies  ( 2 pieces per flavor total of 6 pieces) 


- Matcha Pistachio 

- Sesame Peanuts

- Coffee Cream Cheese

- Genmaicha Tea Cream Cheese

- Hojicha Cream Cheese Almond

- Earl Gray Lemon Curd

- Chocolate Ganache


自選3款生酮曲奇口味 (每口味2片合計6片)


- 抹茶開心果

- 芝麻花生

- 咖啡奶酪

- 玄米茶奶酪

- 焙茶奶酪杏仁

- 伯爵檸檬醬

- 朱古力甘納許


Nutritional Ingredient 營養成分


Whipping Cream 淡忌廉

Monk Fruit Sweetener 羅漢果糖

Vanilla Oil 雲呢拿油

Butter 牛油

Nut 堅果

Almond Flour 杏仁粉


Each Piece 每塊


110 Calories 卡路里

2 g Carbohydrate 碳水化合物

9g Fat 脂肪

5g Protein 蛋白質

3 Flavors Of Your Choice "Keto Cookies" 自選3款口味 "生酮曲奇"

  • Order must be placed 7 days in advance and will only be proceed after payment confirmation. 

  • Our staff will contact you for shipping arrangement after payment confirmation.


    Free Delivery "Credit Card Payment Not Applicable"

    Order $100 or above - Richmond Hill / Markham / Vaughan / Scarborough / North York / Downtown / Aurora / Newmarket / Mississauga / Oakville / Brampton

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