The ketogenic diet is a high-fat, abundant protein, low-carbohydrate diet, which is mainly used in medicine to treat uncontrollable epilepsy in children. This diet forces the body to burn fat instead of carbohydrates. Usually, carbohydrates in food are converted to glucose before being transported in the body. Glucose is also an important energy for the brain. However, if there are only a few carbohydrates in the diet, the liver will convert fat into fatty acids and ketones.
In the process of ordinary eating, the body will also produce ketone bodies, but there are not many opportunities for production, and the production amount is not enough to reach the concentration of nutritional ketosis.
The ketogenic diet eats low sugar, moderate protein, and high oil in order to allow the body to stay in nutritional ketosis for a longer time, to increase the blood ketone concentration (representing fat burning), and to determine the effect of re-burning fat.
After entering stable ketosis, you can enjoy the benefits of a ketogenic diet to your body, such as improving hormones, appetite, antioxidants, etc., and weight loss is usually a side effect.
生酮飲食(ketogenic diet )是一種高脂肪,充足蛋白質,低碳水化合物飲食,醫學上主要在用於治療難以控制的兒童癲癇。這種飲食強迫身體 燃燒脂肪 而非碳水化合物。通常,食物中的碳水化合物會轉化為葡萄糖,才在體內運輸。葡萄糖也是大腦的重要能量。然而,如果飲食中只有少量碳水化合物,肝臟會將脂肪轉化為脂肪酸和酮體。
成立於2019年,JESSIE KETO 致力於 提供高品質的純天然健康產品,同時傳遞科學化的營養知識與健康資訊。我們堅信,健康需要主動管理,而非等到疾病發生才採取行動。以理性與數據為基礎,幫助每位客戶選擇最適合自己的健康方案,是我們的使命。
JESSIE KETO 不僅提供高品質健康產品,更致力於成為您健康管理的長期伙伴。通過專業、科學和品質,我們為您打造更健康、更美好的未來!
1. 保健產品
• 專業研發:與營養師及保健品生產商緊密合作,基於科學研究開發出符合行業最高標準的天然保健產品。
• 嚴格品質:所有產品均在加拿大生產,通過加拿大衛生局的嚴格審查,並獲得多項行業權威認證,確保產品安全性與有效性。
• 廣泛銷售:保健產品已成功進駐加拿大過百家藥房,方便消費者隨時購買,安心信賴。
2. 無糖烘焙
• 專業工廠:超過一萬平方呎的專業烘焙工場,專注於開發多元化的健康無糖烘焙產品。
• 無負擔享受:產品不僅美味,更符合健康標準,讓消費者無負擔地享受甜點的樂趣。
• 廣泛分銷:產品已進駐加拿大各大超市,隨時滿足消費者對健康與甜品的雙重需求。
• 嚴謹研發:保健產品由專業營養師全程參與設計與開發,確保每一款產品經過多層把關。
• 天然成分:從原料到製成,每一步都秉承天然、安全的原則,確保符合行業最高標準。
• 健康理念:無糖烘焙產品堅守健康與美味的平衡,實現零負擔的甜品體驗。